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Showing posts with the label knowledge

The ABCs of Customer Recovery

  Facebook This week, I'm presenting 26 little ideas to help you respond to complaints and difficult customers with much more ease. Customer Recovery ABCs. A ct as if every lost customers sales come out of your paycheck. B elieve the best of customers. Dont make the mistake of assuming most customers are out to simply get something for nothing. The truth is, less than 1% of customers contact companies with ulterior motives in mind. C  ommunicate with diplomacy and tact when you final answer is no and when explaining company policy. D  ont tell a customer she is wrong. Telling a customer they are wrong never makes them want to agree with you. It only pushes them more forcefully into their original position. E  mpathize with unhappy customers and allow this empathy to season your responses. F  ind a way to say yes to customers. Instead of saying no or telling the customer what you cant do, think critically about what you actually can do. G  ive a token item ...

How To Have Great Ideas

  Do you want to have great ideas? You could try waiting to see if they're going to pop in your head someday, and they could honestly. However, if you want a more systematic method that you can use today, there are three simple steps: 1. Get the knowledge in the area where you want the ideas. 2. Use an idea-generating technique. 3. Choose some of the best ideas from the results. Great ideas to start with knowledge If you had no knowledge of physics or mathematics, you wouldn't expect to come up with a new theory of relativity. You need some level of knowledge in the area where you want new ideas. It helps to have a lot of knowledge for truly great ideas. For example , to create a new transport device, you would like to have general knowledge in this field as well as more specific knowledge. This could include a little knowledge of all the current modes of transport. You might add to that a list of things that have been tried and failed, and a list of all the things people want ...